
“Surviving the Fugue: Reflections in Pandemic Storytelling”
Playing with Reality: Denying, Manipulating, Converting, and Enhancing What is There. Edited by Sidney Homan. Routledge Press. 2022

‘“The Play” May Not Be “The Thing”— But Something Is”
Why the Theatre. Edited by Sidney Homan. Routledge Press. 2020

“Uncertain Text: Student and Teacher Find Their Way Onstage in Romeo & Juliet
Co-Written with Jerry Harp. How and Why We Teach Shakespeare. Edited by Sidney Homan. Routledge Press. 2019


Problem Play

Developed at Boston University 2019, Northeastern University 2022

At Thornbrooke Academy for Troubled Girls, a private reform school for teens in the New England countryside, the students live a life of restriction and disempowerment. But things change one morning when nine students decide to take their punitive teacher hostage, and take control of the “auxiliary classroom” trailer. In this tiny space they claim for themselves, the girls are able to throw off the strictures of Thornbrooke and exercise their own agency. But there's one major problem: there's no wifi, and nothing on the other side of that door but punishment for their crimes. So they decide to pass the time by rehearsing Shakespeare's Measure for Measure, the only book in the room with enough copies to go around. Over the course of the next week, they camp out in their strange, cramped little kingdom, and grapple with justice, sex, leadership, and power through the pages of a problem play.