
A bit about my values: I believe theatre is a kind of medicine. We produce and prescribe it to un-numb ourselves to the complex, painful and rapturous realities of being alive. Good art facilitates life by acting as an emotional and spiritual dialysis: drawing our feelings and attention out of us and working on them in a public, yet radically intimate, way. I believe good art must mirror back some truth about being alive, whether that truth comes in the form of uncanny verisimilitude (that is how I hold my tea, how mothers and daughters fight, what the banality of grief looks like!) or abstracted expressions that speak to us in some subterranean language.  I know how often our work falls shy of these standards; but I believe we should ask nothing less from art made to move us, to soften us to one another, and to salve and debride our psycho-spiritual wounds. 

As a director, my strengths include rigorous text analysis, physical and nontraditional dramaturgy, collaborating closely with writers to guide new plays through development, and helping actors and students work from a place of regulation and groundedness. My recent focus has been the development of a new method for actors based in the operations of the nervous system. 


Testimonials from collaborators